Saturday, June 19, 2010

Assignment 6

Smart Board Comparison
Teachers Love Smart Boards
Why Smartboards Are A Dumb Initiative
Why I Hate Interactive Whiteboards

While searching through many articles, posts, and advertisements about smartboards I found a lot of contradicting information. There were many pros and cons. Each positive piece of evidence I discovered was quickly followed up with “if, and, or but.” Smartboards are extremely popular pieces of technology used in the classroom, but I am not quite convinced they are the best choice of technology to be utilizing for adequate and efficient education. In an attempt to keep up with the ever changing time, I understand why so many schools have found it necessary to fill their classrooms with smartboards and publicize the fact. After reading and comparing I have come to the conclusion that, although interesting, there are better ways to incorporate technology into the classroom instead of smartboards.
Smartboards are shiny, busy, and eye-catching. They have the ability to motivate and engage children. Well of course they do, because for the most part smartboards are just a learning game. They have assisted teachers in moving away from blackboards, flip charts, and over head projectors. Some of the repeated benefits are the infusion of technology, increased support for visual learners, recordable for use over and over, and parental and student access on the web. Instead of being behind a computer the teacher can be at the front of the room and he/she has the option to add an on-screen keyboard and other educational applications. As an alternative to taking notes, students can maneuver, manipulate, and write with the touch of a finger. Smartboards are based on stimulating visuals and are notably more preferable than out-dated books. This technology introduced at an early age can help children become more comfortable and have the ability to understand more complicated technology to come.
On the opposite side of the fence, smartboards are extremely expensive. As a matter of fact, according to what they can actually accomplish I would say that they are over-priced. In addition, smartboards still use the old teacher-in-front-of-the-class technique. Although children are engaged by the bright lights, bells, and whistles; smartboards are lecture based. The curriculum is not any more easily presented and the teachers seem to have a harder time adding the applications, therefore, taking away valuable teaching time. The biggest complaint seems to be the cost. Most officials do not disagree with paying out for them because they look good on reports, but the cold truth is there are lots of other devices capable of the same skills at a much more affordable rate. I think it is great if you already have one and are using it, but I would not suggest anyone go spend their dollars, or my tax dollars for that matter, on buying one in the future.

Video Ideas

I have been thinking of all kinds of videos, probably since the first day of class. I am interested in being a part of any or all of them. The first idea I thought of was a comedy news skit. It could have all the parts of a real news broadcast, but have superficial facts. It would contain interviews, weather, local news, and global news. All performed in a comic setting.
Another fun idea is a mock reality show of a southern family. It could have all the daily activities that we know and love, like: eating grits, hanging out on the front porch, and saying “y’all.” Both of these ideas are light and funny, but I thought about recording some science projects that I do with my class, too. I would include a hypothesis, test, data, and conclusions of commonly asked scientific questions. We do a few science projects throughout the year that would make real interesting videos.
Jamie Lynn and Dr. Strange’s videos made me think about making fake product commercial videos. I could go on and on with ideas, but those are just the ones off the top of my head. I would love to be in any videos. I am not afraid of the camera. I actually enjoy it and look forward to making some fun ones on my own that are not required for homework.


  1. Alana,

    All of these ideas sound so great!!! I love being in and making movies also. It is so much, and I love to edit them on iMovie. My friends and I make movies all the time!

  2. Alana,

    One of your statements stands out to me ... They have the ability to motivate and engage children ... in my opinion anything that can do those two things for students should be considered. So the SMART Board is an opportunity to help our students in learning and you have seen some of the pros and cons. No matter what happens they are being introduced in our schools and we should learn them so we can better use them to as you so eloquently put it ... motivate and engage!

  3. One thing stands out to me in your post. You say the smartboards are still using the "teacher-in-front-of-the-class" without presenting an alternative, of why this is not a viable method. Could you enlighten me?

  4. Hi, Alana! I loved reading your post about Smartboards. My podcast is going to be on the pros and cons of Smartboards and you have some really good points. It sounds like you did a lot of research about how to use a Smartboard. You should come be a guest expert on our podcast!

    I would like to learn more about how to use Smartboards in the classroom because I believe that you could use them for more than a substitute for an overhead projector. I know there are some workshops out there that show teachers tools on how to do that.

    I liked your video ideas too. I wish I could say I was that excited about being on camera but I'm not.
