Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Assignment 9

Mr. McClung has just completed his first year of teaching and has posted some things he has learned in his blog. He writes about communication, flexibility, and listening. His post is proof that doing is learning. He was only able to learn that lesson plans do not always go as planned, by having a few of them flop. The true beauty of experience is learning a lesson. Mr. McClung learned to be more reasonable, lower expectations, and know his target audience. Then he did the most wonderful thing. He shared his knowledge with the world. This post is a page full of lessons well learned. I am appreciative to Mr. McClung for sharing this information with me. I look forward to making some mistakes of my own and learning valuable lessons along the way. Then I can write a post and pass on the things I learn in my classroom. It is a good thing I am not afraid of technology anymore.


  1. Alana,

    Mr. McClung did have some great experiences to share about his first year teaching. Lowering expectations sounds like the wrong thing to do when you look at the words in text form but when the expectations are lowered, you can build on them from there. I think the most important lesson in his blog post was to learn your strengths and weakness along with your students.


  2. Lowered expectation? I think he was advocating expectations that we reasonable and that ultimately were the responsibility of the students. We had a discussion Thursday (four of us) about expect and expectations. That might make for an interesting roundtable discussion for a final project.

    What do you think?
