Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Blog Post 10/Assignment 11

world surrounded by people holding hands

Welcome to my PLE
The PLE video was somewhat intimidating. I feel behind in the technology race. Her PLE is expansive and her dedication is astounding. It was amazing to hear a young lady speak of failure, yet she does not give up on her goals. When she hits a brick wall and receives no response from the scientist, she tries again. She is well informed of technological tools, references, and resources. As I gaze at my own PLN, mine seems like a small star in a vast universe. I am currently using netvibes for my PLN page, and I have chosen the bright pink background with a rainbow theme, so mine is much brighter and more colorful than hers. I only have three tabs on mine, though. One is for social networking, one for professional contacts and one is for bookmarks and links. The tab with social networking is mostly for fun. It has my e-mail feeds, facebook and twitter accounts, and it, also, has a little widget with the local weather. The professional contact tab contains a few of my fellow classmate’s blogs that I am interested in following, my previous comments for teacher assignments and a few other interesting blogs I have discovered during my technological journey. There is, also, a handy “To-do” list centered in the middle of this page. My bookmarks and links tab is filling quickly with links that I have found interesting, useful, or both. My PLN may not be quite as expansive as her PLE, but I am not finished. I plan to continue filling my PLN with an abundance of useful information and tools. Like her, I use it mostly for school. If anyone else has any good ideas for additions, please leave me a comment. Suggestions are so helpful in situations like these. We really can learn a lot from each other. As a matter of fact, I have to give some credit to fellow classmate Martha Yim, for helping me find out about netvibes. So from Martha, to me, to you, if you have not had the chance to check out netvibes for yourself click here.

Two Questions That can Change Your Life

These questions are the epitome of self-reflection. For the person that is not affected by them, I say you should pinch yourself. You might be in la-la land. Without sounding religious or fanatic I think these questions are necessary for a full life and rewarding life. If a person walks around without thinking about the differences he or she is making or not making in the world today, they are just taking up space and using up valuable oxygen. Humanity is built upon the dream of a better tomorrow, and ultimately if you are not doing something to make it better you are just getting in the way. I thought, for a long time, about my "sentence." I am a teacher, not just because I teach, but because I love teaching. It is truly my niche in life and I know I make a difference. It is amazes me that a simple woman from Alabama can be a part of the solution and influence the lives of tomorrow in such a positive way. So after careful consideration and much deliberation I decided my sentence would be about Alana the teacher.
"She makes a difference by influencing positive thinkers with confidence and creativity."


  1. Excellent commentary. Thoughtful and well written. I like your sentence as well!

  2. Wow! You are really great with words! I know your sentence is true just by reading your post!

  3. This is a nice blog and i want the blog for the
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